Military we appreciate you

1. All Nebraska Game Laws must be followed. View Nebraska Laws Here:

2. Hunters will respect all landowners’ property. Do not litter. Pick up your trash and take it with you. Please make every effort to pick up used shell cases and close any gates you have opened. No smoking or leaving cigarette butts on private land – in vehicles only please.

3. Each will consist of 5 members with a designated captain. Each team will be provided with one landmarshal/scorekeeper who will be assigned by the Burt County Bird Bounty (BCBB) Committee prior to the hunt. The scorekeeper will score shots fired, bagged birds, and misses. Any shot birds not recovered will be scored as a miss. All birds must be shot while flying or the shot will be counted as a miss.

4. Each team will be issued one box of 25 shotgun (game load) shells to be divided among team members in any way they wish. If one member fills his bag limit, unused shells may be given to other team members. Only pheasant roosters will be counted. If you shoot at another species, it counts as a miss.

5. The hunt will begin half hour before official sunrise and end when either the bag limit is filled (3 birds per hunter, 15 birds total), after the 25th and final shot is fired, or at 3:00pm, whichever comes first.

6. The winners will be determined by the following criteria listed in order:
     – 1. The most birds checked in.
     – 2. The fewest number of shells used to kill the most birds.
     – 3. The earliest times recorded for the birds shot and killed.

7. The entire team, scorekeeper, and guide (if requested) must check in score sheets and birds immediately after the 25th shot is fired, the bag limit is achieved, or 3:00, whichever comes first.

8. The BCBB Committee reserves the right to add a member to any team not carrying a full five members. All decisions of the board of directors and/or the BCBB Committee are final.

9. Twenty teams will be allowed to participate in the Upland Hunt. Ten teams will be allowed to participate in the Waterfowl Hunt.

10. All teams must participate in the Clay Shooting Events to be considered for Special Awards.

11. An official entry form must be completed for each Team, each Team Member, and mailed to the BCBB along with payment before being considered entered. Printed registrations can be mailed to KAMO, INC – BCBB
2925 COUNTY ROAD O, TEKAMAH, NE 6806. Registration is also available online at

12. No shooting will be allowed from roads, vehicles (except by Disabled Hunting Permit holders), around buildings or livestock.

13. Keep it safe! No loaded firearms in vehicles (except by Disabled Hunting Permit holders).

14. No all terrain vehicles (except by Disabled Hunting Permit holders).

15. All hunters must stay in sight of the guide or scorekeeper.

16. Limit 10 dogs total, but only 5 on the ground at a time.

17. If a dog retrieves a bird that was not shot by the team, it does not count as a dead bird in the hunt.

18. If there are 2 birds killed in one shot, it will be counted as one shot and 2 birds. A miss can not be subtracted at any time on score sheet.

19. Guests may accompany the guide and team during the hunt. They may not participate in the hunt in any form nor carry a shotgun. If guests participate in the hunt the team will be disqualified.

20. All guests and hunters must be of at least 12 years of age.

21. All hunters must have Hunter Safety from their respected state or meet the age requirement. Make sure you have the proper permits and stamps including HIP# for Waterfowl. Nebraska permits can be purchased online here.

22. This will be an annual event. Please have the utmost respect and kindness for the landowners so we can be invited back in years to 


1. All rules from Upland Hunt will also apply except for these exceptions:

2. Hunt will start 30 minutes prior to sunrise and end at 11:00am. Only the birds delivered to the check in by 12:00 noon will qualify for the team. Unshot shells must be turned in with the birds. Make sure to make your allotted shooting time.

3. The winners will be determined by the following criteria listed in order:
     – 1. The most birds checked in (ducks or geese).
     – 2. The fewest number of shells used to kill the most birds.
     – 3. The earliest times recorded for the birds shot and killed.

4. Guides will need to take pictures of the birds once in the blind for a timestamp of each bird if a tie occurs.

5. Teams can use up to 2 dogs – one of them can be from the lake club.

6. One dozen old herter duck decoys and 2 geese decoys will be provided. There will be no other decoys allowed.

7. Teams will be provided with one Wood Duck Call and Goose Call and material per team- Mallard Tone and Big River. No other calls will be allowed.

8. Each team will be issued one box of 25 shotgun (steel shot) shells to be divided among team members in any way they wish. If one member fills his bag limit, unused shells may be given to other team members.

9. The Pit Host/Guide will provide advice, breakfast, and laughs. They will not call or shoot. Each lake club will dedicate that morning to just this event – no other hunters should be in the pit unless guests of group.

10. It is permissible to shoot ducks and geese on the water. 

11. There will be a Traveling Plaque with Team, Host, Club & Year.