Fostering a KAMO, Inc. dog is an unpaid, volunteer position and foster placement is at the sole discretion of KAMO, Inc.

The foster parent(s) must complete the Foster Application and sign the applicable Foster Care Agreement(s).

Foster parents must be willing to provide the dog(s) with proper care including food, water, appropriate shelter, grooming, and veterinary care and medication if necessary. As needed, foster homes must be willing to seek medical treatment for their foster animals with KAMO, Inc.’s approval or per the instructions provided by KAMO, Inc. Foster volunteers who seek medical treatment for foster animals without pre-approval from KAMO, Inc. may be responsible for all expenses.

Fostering a dog may improve dog’s chance to be adopted, but it does not guarantee that a dog will be adopted.

If you are called, but unable to foster, you may say “No” and still be considered active in the program for future foster care opportunities.

As we have a limited supply of animal crates, the foster parent(s) may be asked to provide a crate for the foster animal(s).

Your foster animals are owned by KAMO, Inc. Foster parents are welcome and encouraged to alert KAMO, Inc. of prospective adopters, but foster parents are not permitted to place their foster animals in other homes or make any promises to possible adopters. Any potential adopters identified through foster homes must go through the standard KAMO, Inc. adoption process. We are extremely thankful and appreciate your time and efforts to help us give aid and homes to these dogs in need!